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RoomMate, Housemates and FlatMate Articles

Start Looking For Roommates Flatmates Housemates And Sharemates

The first thing to do when searching for a roommate is working out how to find one. Navigating this can be tricky because choosing a roommate...

Some different types of RoomMates, Housemates and Flatmates

The Thoughtless RoomMatesThis person leaves their stuff scattered around the room and never cleans or tidies up after themselves. Usually...

Tips for Cleanliness When Sharing a Bedroom With Roommates Flatmates Housemates And Sharemates

Roommates living together has plenty of upsides and downsides. There's the opportunity to lower your monthly rent and the opportunity to...

How And Why To Use Pet Resumes For Sharing A Place With Roommates, Flatmates,Housemates, Sharemates

Writing your own resume can be tricky, but how and why should you also write a Pet Resume when renting out a place or applying to move with...

11 Essentials For Roommates, Flatmates,Housemates, Sharemates

Since Covid, the process of choosing a roommate has changed.In pre covid normal times, you would typically get to meet a potential roommate...

Six Things To Look For When Looking For Roommates, Flatmates,Housemates and Sharemates

Sharing your living space with a roommate will mean you have certain challenges and benefits. While adjusting to a new roommate is not...

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