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RoomMate, Housemates and FlatMate Articles

Include These in Your Roommate Agreements

Even if you live with your best friend, conflicts are sure to come up from time to timeA roommate agreement can help outline responsibilities...

Some different types of RoomMates, Housemates and Flatmates

The Thoughtless RoomMatesThis person leaves their stuff scattered around the room and never cleans or tidies up after themselves. Usually...

RoomMate and Flatmate meaning

In English the meaning of a Flatmate or Roommate is a person who shares the same room, dormitory, apartment, house, condo, share accommodation,...

Some Roommate Rules To Help Keep The Peace At Home

Roommates who get on each other’s nerves might be great to watch on TV but when it's real life and it involves you it's not fun...

Dividing Up Things With Roommates, Flatmates,Housemates, Sharemates

Living with roommates will one day turn into someone moving out and when it comes time to part ways, things can get a little tricky, especially...

How To Rent With Roommates, Flatmates,Housemates, Sharemates

Sharing space and living with a roommate can help save you money and, in some cases, provide some great company at home. It’s awesome...

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